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Obviously, the first and most important factor to consider before purchasing and attempting to hang a hammock is whether you have an appropriate spot with the right amount of hammock space. Different size hammocks require different amounts of space depending on their total length so it is important to check this information. Hammock dimensions and minimum distance requirements to hang each hammock can be found on all individual product pages on this site and also here; hammock sizes, so check this info and then you can start measuring potential spaces.
When considering a good spot for your hammock there is a method of determining the distance and height you need to hang your hammock from to get the best effect.
As a rule of thumb for traditional style hammocks: The height of suspension should be approximately half of the spanned distance. So as your span distance gets wider, so should your fixing points get higher. This will keep the correct curved shape to the hammock rather than a taunt uncomfortable hammock. E.g. Trees or posts 4m apart, the hanging height should be approx 2m. Or for every metre spanned go 50cm higher. It's important to note though, this height point is where you fix your hooks or the starting level from which you tie rope/hooks from not where the actual ends of the hammock will be.
From this point you then run rope/straps/chain to the ends of your hammock and adjust it to a comfortable hammock height. This is usually so the lowest point of the hammock will hang between your hips and knees, and also is a convenient height for getting in and out of your hammock. When first hung gently let your hammock take your weight as likely the hammock and rope/straps will stretch once taking weight and will then need to be readjusted.
In considering a hammock space - a larger space is always better than a smaller space as longer distances can always be spanned with a length of rope at each end. Large spaces also allow for more adjustment to your hammock to get the right hang and feel for you. Hammocks do stretch with use so having the option to adjust is handy in this regard.
Hanging Span and Height for Spreader Bar Hammocks
When hanging spreader bar style hammocks the minimum distance required is the same length as the hammock as bar hammocks hang more taunt that traditional style hammocks. Recommended hanging attachments heights for these style of hammocks is around 125 cm - 150 cm.
Hanging Heights for Chair Hammocks
When hanging a chair hammock you simply need a minimum height and a single overhead hanging point such as branches, beams or from fixed ceiling hooks. The minimum hanging heights required for chair hammocks are; single - 200 cm, king - 220 cm, Mexican 195 cm.
Whether it is tropical coconut trees, or your favourite trees in the back garden the classic image of a hung hammock is usually seen between trees. Depending on the size of your hammock, the trees span will vary but generally should stand at least 3-4 metres apart. Importantly, ensure they are sturdy enough to carry your body weight - never use dead or dying trees or hang your hammock from a height in which a fall could cause injury to yourself or others.
When hanging a hammock between two trees the simplest method is with two lengths of rope, looped around the tree and tied to the hammock. If your trees are further apart than necessary then just use longer rope and also have the rope looped around the tree higher to keep a nice curve shape to the hammock. Specialist hammock tree straps can make hanging and taking down from a tree setup very quick and easy without the need for complex knots. The wider straps are also a little more tree-friendly as rope can dig into tree bark damaging the tree over time.
For mounting your hammock from a wall you are going to need some sort of wall screw or hook along with some rope. This will vary by whether you have wood or concrete/brick etc. For a typically wooden house, you want to find solid wall studs or ceiling joists that you can install a solid hook into. Something like screw eyes and hooks or our hammock hanging kit are a good option for this. You simply then install the hook at the correct height (see above 'Space Requirements' section for determining height) and from this using rope or chain attach to your hammock.
If you are planning on putting something into a concrete or brick wall, then you'll need special concrete screws or bolts installed at the correct height from which you can attach your hammock or rope to. It may be best to consult with a local hardware supplier on the best option and installation technique for these type of walls.
Depending on the type of wall you have there are many different hammock hanging accessory options to choose from. With options available through the site here or from your local hardware store.
Similar in principal to hanging from trees or walls, you can either use tree straps or install hammock hooks directly into the posts and run rope or chain from these to your hammock. If you don't have existing structures to hang your hammock from installing your own posts in the ground is a great option and posts can be spaced out in relation the size requirements of a particular hammock. A 4m span and fixed hooks at 1.8-2m high is a good starting point for a space that will generally fit even the largest size hammocks. It is a good way to future proof if purchasing a smaller size hammock, but considering a larger hammock for the future. A good hanging accessory option for this type of setup is our hammock chain and hook set.
A great option for hanging hammocks indoors and outdoors under cover is from the ceiling. Just ensure you have a solid joist or beam to install fittings into - you don't want to bring the roof down!
Setting up a hammock from a ceiling is similar as from a wall and can be done with strong screw eye hooks and ropes.
Beams - exposed or otherwise are also a great solid option to attach hammock fittings to or around and hang your hammock from. Exposed beams may allow you to tie rope or use tree straps around them without the need for installing fixed attachment points. Good hanging accessories for this type of setup include our easy adjust hanging kit or for extra comfort our chair spring hanging kit.
Once you have found your ideal hammock spot, setup your attachments and hung your hammock you may find it needs the odd adjustment to get it just right for you. Consider a well-hung hammock when, while empty it has the curvature of a banana.
With use, hammocks will stretch, some more than others so you may need to re-tighten your suspension setup accordingly. This is generally only minor, around 5-10% for our hammocks.
When it comes to hanging a hammock no two spots will be the same. Sometimes it takes a bit of variation and imagination to hunt out and create the perfect setup but let nothing stand in the way of enjoying your perfect hammock spot!